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Rona Y

My guess is Okinawa. If it was Okinawa, how can I get a surprise free trip, too? I need to go there before I leave Japan!


looks like Okinawa :) have been debating about whether to get an iPhone or not...be looking forward to your upcoming posts.


Hi there.

As always enjoyed your post.

You've got me all curious about the 'older iPhones ... for free' statement.

Wonder what the deal is. Please let us know.



The cowboy is so cute! I have no idea why he's wearing a tie and bowler hat, but you know if I had a little boy I'd probably dress him the same :o

Yasmin Lawsuit

My coworkers and I were talking about asian cowboys today... and there's a picture of a little asian cowboy! Just thought it was a funny coincidence. Cheers.


Rona and Kat, good guesses but nope! Another hint: it was quite far away, yet I never left Tokyo.

Tamakikat, I'm not sure if it's still going on, but for a while there was a deal where they were giving away their older 8GB phones for 0 yen for those signing up for a 2 year contract. Very satisfied with everything so far!

Tamara, I didn't notice that was a bowler hat! A cowboy hat would have been too perfect I guess.

Yasmin, are there other Asian cowboys??


ha, I cheated...you went to Ogasawara...exciting and very hard place to go to :)


Heh--I'd download Tetris first too :) Wish someone would give me a free iPhone! But Canada pretty much sucks for mobile phones and service (it's crazy expensive here).


Yup Kat, that's it! Hopefully I'll get around to blogging about it soon.

Aspasia, yeah, cell phones are one of the few things that are cheaper over here. I'll consider myself lucky.

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